Save Lombok Street Dogs

Our mission is to reduce the number of street dogs in Lombok from suffering, sickness & injury.


Lombok dogs are special. They are resilient and relentless with their love. They have strong spirits. Despite being feared and shunned to the streets, they really just want love and safety.

The Lomdogs at the shelter love to cuddle, play, and go on walks. They're all hopeful of a forever home - will you be their Lomdog Hero?

Why did we start this organization?

Mission: Dog Land

We found a permanent place for the shelter in Lombok near the Mawun Beach. Help us build the shelters, clinic, and save more dogs!

Projects & Programs


Clinics & Sterilization

We are building a shelter to care for, home, and rehabilitate dogs for adoption and finding their forever family. We'd love your help!

Population control is one of the best ways to ensure a safe and healthy future for island dogs. We launched our sterilization program in May 2023 and sterilized 50 dogs in month 1!

Animal abuse born from misinformation and fear is rampant. Our goal is to focus on educating the younger generations. Help us spread the word.


We love our supporters!

Thanks to their support, our mission is possible. We hope you'll support their businesses when you travel to Lombok.